I see a great future in the near horizon. Opportunities lie ahead in front of my eyes. Must I take them? Must I wait for the next opportunity to arise? Is waiting not trusting? Is trust taking action? Is it okay to wait for something better? All these questions generally cloud our minds. 

I can understand where all the doubt comes from. Ever since we were little, we were taught to follow rules, we were told to obey and “do as I say!” Because “I know better!”, “I have lived longer!”, or “I’m in charge!”, “Don’t you dare to question my judgment!” We were not allowed to question. Asking proved disrespect; therefore, we just didn’t ask, we just followed the crowd.

As a mother I had to learn to ask the right questions. We taught our  son to always ask any question that came to his mind. I have told him that no question is wrong, but we have to learn what to ask and how to do it. If we want to grow professionally, academically, and in any other way, we must take the opportunities that are in front of us. The truth is that most of the time they won’t come our way, we have to find them, look for them, and many times fight for them. Still, this is what makes every opportunity worthwhile.

So, let us walk straight, raise our heads, chin up, look people in the eye and prove to others and to yourself that you have value and that you are worthy. What you do is important and people need to see that. Are you able to see your great horizon?



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