Not long ago a friend told me, “I can’t learn English! I’ve spent a whole semester in a language school taking lessons. I’ve spent a lot of money, and time, but when I see my notes and my book I can’t understand a thing. Nothing makes sense!” Well, of course I was concerned! I knew I had to help, I just had to think about the best approach to do so. 

I explained how language learning is a process, therefore, it takes time to see the progress we would like to see right away. I asked her to trust me and to give me 20 hours to prove to her that she is capable of learning English as a second language, after that she could continue studying anywhere she wanted to. So, she decided to take up the challenge!

I was nervous, teaching in a classroom can be easier because you have a group of students that help each other out. If one has a doubt there is always the one who understands better or the one who has the ability to explain easier, peer sharing is awesome! On the other hand, having a one to one session brings the best and the worst from the teacher. My friend is a professional, so she would know right away if I really knew how to facilitate knowledge. 

Day one, there we were, ready to begin. She showed up on time with her notebook, pencil case and sticky notes. As I began to explain, I noticed everything was making sense to her, that AHA moment that us teachers so dream about decided to pay a visit! She was thrilled about learning. She was flabbergasted when she understood what I was explaining. I could see her big eyes bright open, and her smile proving satisfaction. 

This led to day after day, hour after hour and happiness on both sides. I taught, explained, she listened, took notes and made progress. We nailed it! She found out she could learn English as a second language! After 20 hours she was delighted. Her final task was to introduce herself to another person, when she did it, she jumped of happiness! I couldn’t be prouder! 

What makes me share this? Well, I believe in teaching and learning. I believe that we all have something to share, there is always somebody who we can help, we just have to find the right moment, the right method, and be willing to facilitate the knowledge. I understood once again, that the power of connection and believing in your students will not only help the student grow, it will certainly change you forever.

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